Copenhagen Temple Convention Single Adults + 30
The Copenhagen Stake Single Adults invites you to the Temple convention on the 7-10 February 2024 in Copenhagen Denmark.

To sign up for temple ordinances Go to church app to book, remember to add the Copenhagen temple as choice. You need your temple recommend.

Regarding accommodation the Temple guesthouse is open Wednesday-Saturday, but it’s closed Sundays, there are reserved 27 limited beds for the SA convention.
+4538181818 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. when fully booked, we can recommend hostels/hotels nearby.

Registration for the Convention is maximum 40 single adults due to facilities, end of registration 8/1- 2024. Price for the convention is 500 SEK, covering 3 meals (2x dinner, 1x lunch) the rest of the meals self-payment and the accommodations are individual on your own. 
If any questions or special diet is needed, please send information about it at Contact ( 

Please do not use perfume, thank you.

You are welcome to join our Facebook group Single Adult Nordic Temple Convention

If you need to cancel your registration, for some reason, it must be received to us before January 8, as we will then start planning for purchases, Contact (